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  • Writer's pictureMelanie Heather


My dearest Jaydah,

Tomorrow when the clock strikes 5.51am, you will officially turn thirteen and begin your first year as a teenager.

It seems like the perfect time to take a trip down memory lane and share with you my absolute favourite story in the whole wide world - the story of you!

Also, word of warning - it's been 13 years since this all went down so my memory may be a little bit fuzzy but I've tried my hardest to dig deep into the memory bank. I say this because I can just picture you saying"oh but that's not what you told me...blah blah blah" and then give me that look you always give me when I'm annoying you.

In the Beninging

I guess I should take it back to when your dad and I first found out I was pregnant with you. What a whirlwind of emotions that was! The craziness of being absolutely scared to the core (pretty much kids ourselves, both 18 and straight out of high school) and then also being equally as excited is one that many may describe like a rollercoaster of emotions - and what a beautiful rollercoaster this has been for us so far!

I remember buying all these pregnancy magazines so I could find out as much information about what was happening to my body and week by week updates on how you were growing. You're probably thinking why didn't you just google it or download an app, well it was not a thing back then okay. That reminds me of the time you asked me if I had colour tv when I was a kid - the sheer audacity!

I used to always stop in at the shops after work and get little baby pieces here and there to start ticking things off my lists. We even had a laundry basket that sat at the end of the bed and that's where I put all of your little things (until the basket started overflowing and then it was time to get another basket, just kidding obviously that was when it was time to start setting up an area for you).

I actually had a pretty breezy pregnancy with you, I kept pretending that I had special cravings because I read and heard about so many people craving such crazy combos. I think my cravings were just random things I felt like that day but hey at least I fed us all types of tasty food. I didn't really have morning sickness either, I sort of felt queasy in the mornings but never actually needed to vomit. I also didn't really show with you until later on in my pregnancy, I remember being around 6 months pregnant and wearing a hoodie and people not being able to tell that I was pregnant. Some would say I was a bit of a trickster back in the day. Okay no one would say that, but you already know my humour so it was worth a shot and you don't need to roll your eyes because I can already tell that you're doing that right now.

The Delivery

'Twas the night before you arrived in this world and Nana Lavasi was working afternoon shift. I was waiting up front for her to come home from work because I'd been having contractions and was so excited to update her.

Earlier that night, the contractions were really far apart so I kept busy by watching Fresh Prince of Belair on DVD and just let it run through as I was in and out of sleep (you already know I hate silence so I kept restarting it so that it would play in the background). I would walk from our room to the other side of the house to go toilet to get my walking in because heaps of people told me that would help with making sure you would move further down in the pelvic area, ready for birth.

Once Nana Lavasi was home, I updated her then tried to get my steps in by walking up and down the hallway and around the living room. I got really tired after that and decided to try and go back to sleep. I actually did end up sleeping until about three or four o'clock in the morning when I got up to go toilet. When I stood up, I remember suddenly feeling that my pants were wet but I still needed to pee.

Ta-da, my waters had broken!

I called the midwife at the hospital and she said to come in but told me to take my time if the contractions weren't close. Well I took that advice seriously and was walking around the house, chatting to everyone and updating them. Your dad, Nana Lavasi and Aunty Cilla were all trying to tell me to hurry up and shower so we could quickly head to the hospital but I took my time and was lying down and still talking when I suddenly had a contraction and it was a long one. After that, they were getting closer and closer and they were SO intense. The pain of a contraction is a pain I can't even begin to describe. Someone had told me they were like period pains but worse, that person lied to me.

Anyways, by the time I actually jumped in the car to go to the hospital, I sort of thought that I might give birth to you in the car. The contractions were so close together and I felt like I needed to push. When we finally got to the hospital, we quickly went up to the maternity ward. Seriously that elevator ride up was the longest one of my life because the pain was like one big contraction with no breaks in between and I felt like you were just about ready to come out.

Once we finally got to the midwives, they were shocked with how far into labour I was. They were saying I only just called up not too long ago. They quickly started setting everything up, preparing for your arrival.

Twenty minutes later you arrived!

Thirteen Years of You

You were such a clingy baby, I don't know how many trips we took to the Gold Coast where you just cried the whole way there because you wanted me to hold you but I was always driving. I think that's where I started tuning you out which unfortunately I still do from time to time.

You used to always reach for people's hair if they tried to rock you to sleep because you were used to my long hair (so funny when you used to try and grab Nana Lavasi's really short hair and then wake up because you couldn't reach it).

You used to be scared of balloons (actually I think you still are), I'm pretty sure you tried to bite one once and then it popped in your face and scared the living daylights out of you. I remember you were also scared of the ice cream truck. The moment you heard the beginning of that ice cream truck song, you would either run and hide (or find someone) and cover your ears with this look of pure panic on your face until it was gone.

You have always loved drawing/arts and crafts/making things out of random materials. The funniest drawing you ever gave me was the family portrait you drew with your new crayons, you used the brown coloured crayon to draw you and your dad and got the peach coloured crayon to draw me. Oh and that time you made glasses, shoes and a hat out of cardboard - you rocked that 'fit like no other!

You have always been so bright and clued on. As a baby, you reached all of your milestones early. All the way up until now, you have continued to show how intelligent you are. I hope you continue to stay on a path that allows you to really utilise your talents, realise your passion and make a difference (sorry, not sorry for forcing you to listen to my rants and lessons on social injustices/issues and all things about our culture).

You are so respectful and aware of other people's feelings. You definitely wear your heart on your sleeve, very emotional at times. Don't worry I'm prepared for the future emotional meltdowns with some ice cream and Harry Potter marathons or getting mani-pedis.

You are very organised, make lists and hate being late to anything. That last one you did not get from me. I'm still waiting for the organising (cleaning) of the house to kick in but can definitely work on that.

You have been such a beautiful blessing to raise so far, I'm so proud every time I look at you.

I'm so excited to see you grow and can already see such a beautiful young woman in front of me (or am I just looking in the mirror, yes another eye roll here).

I always talk to you about how it takes a village to raise a child so I hope you remember the village that helped raise you to be who you are today. You will always have people surrounding you, who love you and support you endlessly.

Here's to all the adventures we've had and the ones we are yet to encounter.

I shall leave you with this quote from my favourite author to encourage you to always see the magic in this world even when it feels like it's about to end:

"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it."

- Roald Dahl

I can't wait to spend this weekend celebrating you, I'm off to get ready now because you're going to get angry at me for not packing my bag yet.

Love you,

Mum xxx

P.S. Please remember all the nice things I said about you in this letter, in case you even think about giving me a hard time during your later teenage years. Also, maybe go back and re-read the part about all the pain I endured bringing you into this world too.

P.P.S. Stop stealing all my clothes!!

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